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Fónaic Complete Bundle

Fónaic Complete Bundle

€69.00 Regular Price
€44.00Sale Price

This is a HUGE zip file download of Fónaic na Gaeilge resources to support the teaching of 24 of the Gaeilge phonemes. It includes the consonants, short vowels, long vowels and both phonemes for letters d and s.including:



24 letter and image posters


2. Pictiúir chártaí

218 colour-coded flashcards with initial sound pictures 


3. Mataí taos súgartha

22 playdough mats to support letter formation


4. Gníomhaíocht túsfhuaimeanna

72 cards for an initial sound identification activity


5. Bileoga Oibre

122 worksheets. There are five worksheets for each phoneme; Initial sound colouring, Rainbow letter formation, Initial sound recognition, Initial sound cut and stick, Illustrate and write.


6. Cártaí Cumaisc

114 flashcards to support the blending and decoding of simple words


7. Cártaí Cnuaschonsain

56 flashcards to support blending and decoding with digraphs; cl, cr, sc, sm, sl, st, gl, gr, br


8/9/10. Cluichí Fónaice

Games for phonocs revision: Cnag, 4 sa Líne, Cuir le Chéile


11. Cárta an Dalta

Sound and decoding cards for revision, assessment, homework


12. Measúnaithe

5 assessments that correspond with the work throughout this unit of work



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